Jesień to dla mnie przede wszystkim kolory i świetny pretekst do tego, żeby wieczorem światło lamp zamienić na światło świec. :) Świeczki wypalają się u mnie w tym okresie prędko, pozostawiając po sobie między innymi proste szklane 'świeczniki'. Jeden taki (wygląda tak naprawdę jak zwykła niska szklanka) postanowiłam zalterować i zamienić w jesienny. Kolory dała natura - na świecznik nakleiłam liście z krzaka pod domem, który ostatnio zmienił kolor z zielonego na odcienie żółci i czerwieni. Klejenie odbyło się za pomocą medium żelowego Maimeri, którego warstwę położyłam też na wierzchu liści, żeby wszystko scalić. Ozdoba z gałązek, moczonej w herbacie gazie i sznurka, mała świeczka do środka - i świecznik gotowy. :)
For me, autumn means colours and an excuse to replace artificial light with candle light in the evenings. :) I go through quite many candle pretty quickly these days and of the things left are simple glass 'candle holders'. I decided to alter one of those (it's really an ordinary low glass) and give it an autumn feel. The colours were provided by nature - I covered the glass with leaves from a bush next to my house - it has recently changed from green to beautiful shades of yellow and red. I glued everything with Maimeri gel medium, which I also used on top as a sealer. Some embellishment with a branch, tea-dipped cheesecloth and string, a small candle inside - and the candle holder is ready. :)
For me, autumn means colours and an excuse to replace artificial light with candle light in the evenings. :) I go through quite many candle pretty quickly these days and of the things left are simple glass 'candle holders'. I decided to alter one of those (it's really an ordinary low glass) and give it an autumn feel. The colours were provided by nature - I covered the glass with leaves from a bush next to my house - it has recently changed from green to beautiful shades of yellow and red. I glued everything with Maimeri gel medium, which I also used on top as a sealer. Some embellishment with a branch, tea-dipped cheesecloth and string, a small candle inside - and the candle holder is ready. :)
Pozdrawiam jesiennie,
Sending autumn hugs,
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