Oto po raz ostatni przychodzimy do Was z wynikami Retromanii! Aż ciężko nam uwierzyć, że przeprowadziliśmy ponad 20 jej edycji! Jeszcze raz bardzo dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy bawili się w Retromanię razem z nami - czas na ostatni tytuł Retromaniaczki i ostatnie trzy wyróżnienia!
This is the last time we're announcing the winners of a Retromania challenge! It's hard to believe we've had over 20 challenge editions! Once again, we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who played along with us - here are the last Retromaniac title and the last honourable mentions!
This is the last time we're announcing the winners of a Retromania challenge! It's hard to believe we've had over 20 challenge editions! Once again, we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who played along with us - here are the last Retromaniac title and the last honourable mentions!
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Autorki prac prosimy o kontakt na adres email biuro@retrokraftshop.pl w celu odbioru nagród w ciągu dwóch tygodni od ogłoszenia wyników.
Please email us at biuro@retrokraftshop.pl to claim your prizes within two weeks of the results announcement.