Cześć! Dziś mam dla Was filmowy tutorial na efekt rdzy z użyciem mediowego zestawu z ostatniego Retro KITa 'Fabryka Rdzy'. Nawet jeśli nie macie KITa, by osiągnąć ten sam rdzawy efekt będzie potrzebować czterech głównych składników: farby Quinacridone Gold DecoArt, farby Rusty Viva Decor w dwóch kolorach oraz atomizera z wodą. Zapraszam na film!
Hi! Today I have for you a video tutorial on how to achieve a rust effect using the last Retro KIT media set. If you don't own the KIT itself, you can still do the technique using these four main components: DecoArt Quinacridone Gold paint, two colors of Viva Decor Rusty paint and a water-filled spray bottle. Enjoy the movie!
Hi! Today I have for you a video tutorial on how to achieve a rust effect using the last Retro KIT media set. If you don't own the KIT itself, you can still do the technique using these four main components: DecoArt Quinacridone Gold paint, two colors of Viva Decor Rusty paint and a water-filled spray bottle. Enjoy the movie!

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