Bardzo mi się ostatnio spodobała zabawa z odczynnikami więc wzięłam je ponownie na warsztat. Tym razem dodałam do nich odrobinę tuszy alkoholowych żeby zmiany koloru w rdzy i na metalowych częściach były lepiej widoczne. Tym razem połączyłam je z Inka gołd w różnych odcieniach i odciskami z masy. Prace było mi dośc ciężko sfotografować odczynniki i mikka z inki sprawiają że zmienia kolory w zależności od kąta padania światła.
And I had to play with those rust components again. This time I used some mold prints as focal elements and in the background. To add a metal look I used a few shades of Inka Gold and to create rust I mixed in some alcohol ink into the rust solution - that increased discoloration and changed oxidation process a little bit. Because of the mika in Inka and the different shades of inks, it was really hard to make photo of this one as the colors change when the light hits them.
And I had to play with those rust components again. This time I used some mold prints as focal elements and in the background. To add a metal look I used a few shades of Inka Gold and to create rust I mixed in some alcohol ink into the rust solution - that increased discoloration and changed oxidation process a little bit. Because of the mika in Inka and the different shades of inks, it was really hard to make photo of this one as the colors change when the light hits them.
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