Do tuszowania brzegów, do postarzania, do tworzenia ciekawego tła, do mieszania z wodą, do farbowania koronki, do kartki, do taga, do art journalu, do LO... tusze Distress mają całe mnóstwo zastosowań! A ile kolorów! Teraz oddzielnie w małych padach - do wyboru, do koloru - już u nas w dziale nowości. :) Znajdziecie tam również uzupełnienie mgiełek Distress Spray Stain - metalicznych oraz białej.
To ink up some edges, to add a vintage look, to create an interesting background, to mix with water, to dye lace, for a card, a tag, an art journal page, a layout... Distress Inks have so many applications! And the multitutde of colours! Now sold separately in small pads - pick and choose - you'll find them in our new arrivals section now. :) Another thing you'll find there are Distress Spray Stains - the metallics and the one in white.

To ink up some edges, to add a vintage look, to create an interesting background, to mix with water, to dye lace, for a card, a tag, an art journal page, a layout... Distress Inks have so many applications! And the multitutde of colours! Now sold separately in small pads - pick and choose - you'll find them in our new arrivals section now. :) Another thing you'll find there are Distress Spray Stains - the metallics and the one in white.

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