Na naszych półkach coraz więcej polskich papierów - dziś lądują na nich piękne vintage'owe papiery Studio75! W zestawach i pojedynczo, papiery i dodatki z kolekcji Wyjątkowe chwile, Craftlove i Panna Oliwia. W związku z tym wydarzeniem zapraszamy Was na nasz fanpage na Facebook'u, gdzie rozdajemy dwie z tych kolekcji w słodkim papierowym candy.
There are more and more Polish papers on our store shelves - today the beautiful vintage papers from Studio75 have landed there! In sets and single sheets, papers and embellishments from the Lovely Moments, Craftlove and Miss Olivia collections. To celebrate we invite you over to our FB fanpage, where we're giving away two of the collections in a vintage paper giveaway.
There are more and more Polish papers on our store shelves - today the beautiful vintage papers from Studio75 have landed there! In sets and single sheets, papers and embellishments from the Lovely Moments, Craftlove and Miss Olivia collections. To celebrate we invite you over to our FB fanpage, where we're giving away two of the collections in a vintage paper giveaway.
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