Retro Kraft Shop to nie tylko różne produkty do prac mixed media.
Znajdziecie tam też bazy i papiery,
które świetnie nadają się do projektów scrapbookingowych oraz kartek.
Dzisiaj kartka ze starej kolekcji Scrapberry's "Words Live Forever"
dostępnej w sklepie.
Retro Kraft Shop is not only about different products for mixed media projects.
You will find there also bases and papers,
which are great for scrapbooking projects and cards.
Today's card is from the old Scrapberry's "Words Live Forever" collection
You will find there also bases and papers,
which are great for scrapbooking projects and cards.
Today's card is from the old Scrapberry's "Words Live Forever" collection
available in the store.
Użyte produkty: / Products used:
Miłego dnia! / Have a nice day!
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