Moja dzisiejsza inspiracja dla Retro Kraft Shop, to lift jednej z moich starych prac.
Postanowiłam zliftować moje ulubione małe LO, o takie:
My inspiration today for Retro Kraft Shop is the lift of one of my old project.
I decided to scraplift my favourite, small LO, such as this:
I decided to scraplift my favourite, small LO, such as this:

Tutaj nowa praca:
Here is a new project:
Nową pracę postanowiłam zrobić na blejtramie
oraz ozdobić ją w zupełnie innych kolorach i stylu.
Proces powstawania blejtarmu nagrałam i przygotowałam video-tutorial.
Znajdziecie go na końcu posta.
I decided to make a new project on a canvas
and decorate it in completely different colors and styles.
I recorded the process of creating the canvas and prepared a video-tutorial.
You will find it at the end of the post.
and decorate it in completely different colors and styles.
I recorded the process of creating the canvas and prepared a video-tutorial.
You will find it at the end of the post.
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