pudełku z metalkami, trybiki zajmowały mi dużo miejsca. Ciężko było je
też znaleźć wśród innych metalków, dlatego postanowiłam przygotować dla
nich osobny pojemnik. Wybór padł na słoik o nietypowym, ale prostym
wieczku dodałam coś, co kojarzyć się będzie z trybikami i stylem
Steampunk - duży, tekturowy trybik i czaszunię. W pierwszej kolejności
czaszkę musiałam przemalować bo była zielona-flourescencyjna. Potrzebne
do tego było mi gesso i farbki w proszku - brązowa i czarna. Po
przemalowaniu, pozostało tylko ozdobić czaszkę, przykleić ja do wieczka i
nakleić kopułkę...
Co myślicie o takiej ozdobie biurka?
In the box with metal embellishments cogs took up a lot of space. It was hard to find them in the others metal embellishments, so that is the reason why I decided to prepared a seperated cointainer for them. The choice fell on a jar with an unusual but simple shape.
On the lid I added something that will be associated with cogs and Steampunk style - a large gear from beermat and a skull. First, I had to repaint a skull, because it was green-flourescent. To do it this, I needed a gesso and paint in powder in a colors brown and black. After repainting, all you have to do is decorate the skull, stick it to the lid and stick the dome ...
What do you think about such a desk decoration?
Użyłam: / I used:
In the box with metal embellishments cogs took up a lot of space. It was hard to find them in the others metal embellishments, so that is the reason why I decided to prepared a seperated cointainer for them. The choice fell on a jar with an unusual but simple shape.
On the lid I added something that will be associated with cogs and Steampunk style - a large gear from beermat and a skull. First, I had to repaint a skull, because it was green-flourescent. To do it this, I needed a gesso and paint in powder in a colors brown and black. After repainting, all you have to do is decorate the skull, stick it to the lid and stick the dome ...
What do you think about such a desk decoration?
Użyłam: / I used:
Świetna!. Bardzo mi się podoba. Pozdrawiam :-).