Witam serdecznie wszystkich! Dzisiaj chciałabym pokazać wam mój ostatni projekt dla DT Retro Kraft Shop. Nadszedł taki czas w moim życiu, że muszę na na jakiś czas odłożyć pędzle i farby. Jednak mam nadzieję, że niebawem wrócę z nowymi projektami. Chciałabym serdecznie podziękować Agnieszce i Kubie za niesamowitą szansę jaką mi dali. To był cudowny czas spędzony na tworzeniu z tak utalentowanym dziewczynami z DT.
Hi, today I would like to show you my last post for DT Retro Kraft Shop. There came a time in my life that I have to put away brushes for a while. But I hope that soon I will return with some new projects. I want to thank Agnieszka and Kuba for this amaizing oppurtinity they gave me . I have had a wonderful time creating with the talented ladies on the design team.
I created a canvas with altered old paint brushes. I made this project on the back of the canvas, creating the texture with a Crafter's Workshop stencil. I used lots of chippies from SnipArt: words, a frame with gears and a clock. I altered them with black gesso, and then painted with DecoArt fluid acrylics.
I also glued down lots of metal embellishments like: gears, clock, wings. flowers and many more. The last step was to add some colors. I used Distress Spray Stain and DecoArt fluid acrylics. I painted the canvas with blue and violet tones. In the middle I used lots of gold paint. Then inked the edges with a black ink pad.
Do zobaczenia Aisha
See you soon Aisha
Użyłam / I used

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